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Despite the fact that much of New Hampshire and Massachusetts has clean, great-tasting water, there are many people who believe that bottled water is better. Some say they prefer the taste, while others say they want to make sure their water is safe.
At Skillings & Sons, we have over 40 years experience. We've drilled thousands of wells, installed thousands of water treatment systems and advised thousands of residents on water testing, and we can firmly say that for the average homeowner in this part of the country, the water is safe to drink.
Not every home has safe drinking water, and many homes require water treatment systems to remove minerals, iron, bacteria and other contaminants. But buying and maintaining these treatment systems are a small fraction of the cost of buying bottled water.
While it may seem like bottled water is purer, the U.S. government estimates that 25-30% of bottled water sold today is just tap water – taken from municipal water systems – even some that claim to be “spring water.”
The industry also spends millions of dollars each year convincing consumers that bottled water is purer than tap water, but tests done by organizations like the Natural Resources Defense Council show that contaminants and bacteria can also be found in bottled water. For instance, an NRDC study showed that about one in five of the water samples it tested “exceeded unenforceable state or industry bacteria guidelines.”
While the idea that bottled water is more “pure” is questionable, the argument that bottled water is bad for the environment is not. Water bottling plants take a massive amount of water from one location and ship it to another. The bottled water is often kept refrigerated until purchased and the plastic bottle thrown in a landfill. The bottling and shipping process is wasteful, and the price of the water is massively increased, costing you about 10,000 times what it would have if you’d just poured a glass from the tap.
According to the New York Times, providing clean water and proper sanitation to everyone in the world would cost less than a quarter of the amount spent annually on bottled water across the globe.
New Hampshire and Massachusetts is lucky to have some of the cleanest water in the country. If you have a private well, you're drinking water likely has high-quality. Although there are some common water problems in this region, these can easily be treated by installing a water treatment system. These systems are better for the environment and easier on your wallet.
Mineral and spring water
Some bottled water marketed as mineral water will have higher levels of minerals and to some a superior taste. Spring water is usually sourced from a natural spring or place where groundwater bubbles up from beneath the soil. There are spots across New Hampshire with natural springs, known for their great-tasting, high-quality water.
Bottled water Bottled water can come from any source and can be distilled, carbonated or treated in any manner. Dasani and Aquafina national brands source their water from local municipal water systems.
Artesian water/Artesian well water, also known as bedrock well water
Bottled water from a bedrock well that taps a natural aquifer deep below the ground. Bedrock well water often has higher levels of dissolved minerals and is valued for its great taste and high-quality.
Sparkling water
Water that has been carbonated. This is different than soda water, seltzer water, and tonic water, which are not considered bottled waters.
Glacial water
Water from a source directly from a glacier.
Natural water
Water taken from an approved underground source -- such as spring water, mineral water or water from a bedrock well -- not from a municipal or public water-supply system. This water is filtered but otherwise untreated.
Purified water
Distilled or de-ionized water which contains less than 10 mg/L of total dissolved solids.
If you want to save money by eliminating bottled water from your lifestyle while reducing your carbon footprint by eliminating plastics, contact us for an estimate on a point of entry or point of use water treatment system. Stop being fooled by the large botteling companys and so what's right for your family and the planet.
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