The knowledge center for well drilling, water treatment & testing, FAQs, tips and know-how.


Skillings and Sons drilled artesian wells, or bedrock wells, are becoming more and more common in New Hampshire for their reliability in delivering a safe water supply.

  • If you have a private well, your well system is critical for supplying of fresh clean water. This system consists of several components including plumbing to deliver the water, a well pump, to push or pull water and a pressure tank to store and distribute water throughout your home.

  • If get your drinking water from a private well, it’s your responsibility to conduct an annual contamination test to ensure the quality of your water supply.  Contaminants are a reality when you own a private well. Sometimes, it’s easy to determine that you have a problem when your water looks, smells, or tastes “off”. But there are other water contaminants that offer no sign they’re there. Your water may taste, look and smell perfectly fine. Microbial and organic contaminants can’t always be detected by the five senses. Often, you have no indication until people in the community, sharing an aquifer begin to show signs of illness.

  • Running out of well water can be devastating for a homeowner. Drilling a new well to replace a well that’s run dry can be expensive, but isn’t always necessary. There are some ways you increase the flow of water from your well, even if you are experiencing low water levels.

Skillings and Sons drilled artesian wells, or bedrock wells, are becoming more and more common in New Hampshire for their reliability in delivering a safe water supply. From water treatment, testing and filtration to a no water emergency, trust Skillings and Sons for everything water.