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Steps to Take When You Have No Water Coming From Your Well

Americans have become used to having clean water available at the turn of a tap, but we often get calls from panicked homeowners who no longer see water when they turn on the faucet. If you get your water from a private residential well, there are a few possible causes of a no water problem.

Well Water Pump

Whether you have a bedrock or shallow well, water is drawn from within the earth to your house by a water pump. Malfunctions can happen due to a blown circuit, power outage or a broken component. Homeowners can begin troubleshooting at the well pump power switch. Check to see if there’s power flowing to the system. If not, there could be a more substantial problem with the system which requires the expertise of a well water specialist.

Low Water Pressure

It’s not uncommon for us at Skillings & Sons to get a call from a homeowner concerned about low water pressure. Low water pressure is sometimes the result of a malfunctioning well water pump or a lack of water volume coming into the home. If there is a true lack of water pressure there are some ways to fix the problem.

Homeowners should start by looking at the pressure tank and seeing if it is set at the right level. The gauge will tell the homeowner how much pressure is behind the water flowing through the pipes. If it is below 40 psi, the pressure should be increased.

If you notice water pressure drops from a faucet in one part of the house when another faucet is turned on, installing a constant pressure system could fix the problem.  A MonoDrive constant pressure system is an easy to install and affordable solution that can also help address water pressure issues for owners of condominiums on the upper floors of a building, or for homes where the well is located a great distance from the home. Like its name suggests, a constant pressure system keeps the water pressure constant as different faucets and appliances are being used, changing the speed of your water pump as demand increases or decreases.

Water Well Is Running Dry

Do you find the water pressure is very low during dry periods, or that you have no water during a drought? This indicates that your well is running dry.

Homes with a shallow well may need well deepening if the water has stopped flowing or there is low water flow. A water well is able to hold a gallon and a half of water per linear foot. Deepening the well will create more storage space and therefore a higher water yield. It also provides a drought-resistant water supply that is less susceptible to fluctuations in the water table. This method will get the homeowner higher water yields without the expense of digging a new or additional well.

Homes with a bedrock well should consider hydrofracking, a method of blasting pressurized water deep within the well to clear debris and open fissures that allow water to flow within the rocks. Hydrofracking is used in newly drilled bedrock wells when the water yield is below the desired amount. It can also be used in older wells that have seen a drop in production or where mineral deposits have formed within the rock fissures.

Only licensed well contractors are authorized to hydrofracture wells in New Hampshire. The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services recommends consulting with several water well contractors for an evaluation including Skillings & Sons. These contractors should discuss with you the geography of the area and what equipment will be used during the process.

Whether it’s a broken water pump or a dry well, Skillings & Sons can answer your water system questions. We also provide emergency service 365 days a year. If you have no water or your basement is flooded, call us immediately at 1-800-441-6281