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geothermal wells

Geothermal Exchange is an Affordable, Energy Efficient and Renewable Energy Source. Skillings and Sons can install a geothermal system for year-round, energy-saving comfort.

  • When buying a heating system for your home, you want a product that’s high-quality, efficient and if it runs on clean energy, all the better. But when it comes down to it, one of the biggest factors in choosing a home heating system is cost.

  • People who choose a geothermal heating system are often doing it for more than just the cost savings. These efficient systems will eliminate your fuel costs and cut your electricity bill, but it’s the clean, green energy geothermal heating systems provide that adds to the appeal.

  • A home’s heating system is one of the first things potential homebuyers want to know about when viewing a property. In New England, an old oil furnace can cost vastly more to maintain than a newer efficient system. Geothermal is one of the most efficient home heating options available today. Real estate agents should know how these systems work. Although they cost more to install than standard fossil fuel systems, the cost to operate and maintain geothermal systems is very low.

  • Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP) are an environmentally friendly way to heat and cool your home that provides long-term cost savings. They rely upon energy or geothermal exchange between the air in a building and the temperature underground. Ground temperatures are always a constant 55° F. Geothermal works because the ground beneath our feet is warmer than the outside air in the winter and cooler in the summer. By inserting a series of small pipes that contain a water glycol mixture into the ground, heat can be transferred to the mixture and into your home in the winter. In summer when the temperature rises above the ground temperature, the process works in reverse.

  • In New England, temperatures between seasons can vary pretty dramatically.  Winters here can be super frigid, filled with inches or even feet of snow while the warmer months scan bring scorching summer sun.  While many people may try to "wait it out", that method rarely lends itself to a comfortable living all year long.  For many people, the creature comforts that are found in heating and air conditioning are a necessity, even if just for a portion of the year.

Geothermal Exchange is an Affordable, Energy Efficient and Renewable Energy Source. Skillings and Sons can install a geothermal system for year-round, energy-saving comfort. A geothermal exchange system uses the earth’s natural, relatively constant thermal temperature to heat, cool and provide hot water for a home or business.