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The knowledge center for well drilling, water treatment & testing, FAQs, tips and know-how.

residential wells

  • Consumers today have many options when it comes to heating and cooling their homes. Traditional air conditioners and heating systems are historically popular options, but with green energy making its name with full force, solar, wind, and geothermal energy sources are great options for homeowners.

  • If you’re buying a home, there are so many things to consider and inspections that need to be done. If you’re looking at a home with a private well, however, there’s an extra inspection not to overlook that’s very important to your family’s health: a well water test.

  • Whether building a new home or making updates to an old home, deciding where to place a new well on your property is a difficult decision, especially when there are nearby structures or roads that limit well placement. New Hampshire, Massachusetts and local water, planning and health boards all have their own well regulations. Knowing the required setbacks and other regulations can help homeowners find a suitable spot on their property for the new well. Contact well water specialists, like Skillings & Sons, are also familiar with local regulations and can help homeowners locate their well.

  • We’ve all admired the beautiful blue color of a mountain lake or river. When we turn on our tap, however, we expect crystal clear water. If you notice your drinking water has the blue tint of a mountain lake, it’s a cause for concern.