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water hardness

  • Water is an essential element of life. We need clean drinking water to stay alive, and use water in every facet of daily life, from food preparation to sanitation, to hygiene. The purity and safety of our drinking water supply is crucial to maintaining good health. 17% of the world’s population uses water from unprotected sources, 32% use water obtained from protected sources and 51% use water provided by municipalities that are delivered to the home.

  • If you're considering a water filtration system or water softener for your home, you may feel like you have a million questions. Water well professional can provide you in-depth answers, but here are seven of the most frequently asked questions homeowners have about water filters.

  • I Think My Home Has Hard Water. How Do I Fix It?

    Skillings & Sons water system professionals are often asked how to get rid of spots on dishes or soap scum that collects on shower walls. These are caused by hard water, a standard water quality issue across New England, especially those that use well water. Fortunately, there are affordable and easy to install options that will reduce the hardness of your water and get rid of that nasty scum in your bathroom. The first step in solving hard water problems is a water test.

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