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The knowledge center for well drilling, water treatment & testing, FAQs, tips and know-how.

well services

Skillings and Sons well services for well drilling, pump replacement, well enhancement, water pressure problems, well water shut off, and well water testing and treatment.

  • If you own a home that has a private well for drinking water, it is to your benefit to learn how a well water system works. While most water well systems will last for many years, knowing what the components do can help you troubleshoot if a problem does arise.

  • Sometimes, after you’ve been living in your home for a while, your well may begin to produce less water, or even fail to produce at all. While it’s a concern, it is not always necessary to abandon the well and install a new one. A professional contractor can often perform well rehabilitation to restore the water flow to provide more than enough safe water for the needs of the household.

  • New England residents decades ago relied on wells for the water they used in their homes and on the farm. In rural towns today, an estimated 90 percent of residents still depend on private wells for their water needs. As farms and other properties have been developed over the years, some of the older wells once used for water were abandoned for more modern wells, and some were even forgotten. If you know there is an old well on your property, or have discovered something you think might be an old well, it is important to call a licensed well professional to ensure it is properly sealed.

  • If you have a private well, the good news is that you have the benefits of low-cost, fresh and clean water for your family. Unfortunately, you’re also responsible for any problems that may arise with your well pump or water system.

  • New home construction in New Hampshire often means drilling a new well. Many water well drilling companies base their price on the depth of the new well, so new homeowners want to know how deep the well has to be dug to give them reliable, clean water. They know the deeper the well, the higher the cost.

Skillings and Sons well services for well drilling, pump replacement, well enhancement, water pressure problems, well water shut off, and well water testing and treatment. Our technicians are ready to solve your water supply problems, install a new pump system or service an old pump system. If you have no water, call us now. We provide emergency service 365 days a year.