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The knowledge center for well drilling, water treatment & testing, FAQs, tips and know-how.


For over 50 years Skillings and Sons has been helping families enjoy the cleanest water possible, free of contaminants like lead and chlorine. We can help you with hard water and smelly, discolored brown or yellow water.

  • Drilling a water well is the first step in having a source of treated drinking water is simply a healthy choice. The second step is testing your water for contaminants.  Water testing may reveal the need for a treatment system to deal with various organic and inorganic contaminants that can be present in your drinking water. There are two types of treatment systems available. A “point of entry” system is installed inline with your water main and treats all of your water as it enters the house. A “point of use” system is generally smaller, less costly, used to treat water at a faucet, and is generally more for purifying water for drinking, cooking and sometimes washing.

  • Water quality has a tremendous effect on your families quality of life. The rotten egg smell and taste in your home water supply is caused by the presence of hydrogen sulfide. (H2S) It is not harmful to your health but it can make your water corrosive, meaning it will damage your home plumbing system and appliances and can cause lead contamination. It can tarnish silverware, copper and brass utensils, leave yellow or black stains on your kitchen and bathroom fixtures, and it’s generally unpleasant.

  • Do you have difficulties with the water quality in your home? Does your tap water taste strange, or have a bad odor? Some of your household fixtures may have blue and green or brown and black staining or orange and brown staining in your laundry. Some homes deal with a rotten-egg smell from water sources, or sediment and calcium build up on faucets and fixtures. Water treatment is the solution to water quality problems.

  • Homeowners who use a significant amount of water outdoors, such as caring for a large garden or watering animals, often benefit from installing an irrigation well.

ELIMINATE WATER CONTAMINATION to remove odors, staining, sediment and harmful contaminants. For over 50 years Skillings and Sons has been helping families enjoy the cleanest water possible, free of contaminants like lead and chlorine. We can help you with hard water and smelly, discolored brown or yellow water.