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How Do I Know if I Need a New Water Well?

Should You Call A Water Well Driller or Can Your Existing Well Be Saved?

When homeowners see a drop in their water pressure, they usually assume it’s mechanical. Maybe the pressure tank isn’t working, or the plumbing system is out of date, they think. Those are a sign that there’s been a loss in water pressure, but when the water flow turns to a trickle during a dry spell, or starts sputtering, those are signs your home water system might have a more serious problem.

Skillings & Sons has more than 40 years well-drilling experience and can help you fix your well water problems. Fortunately, there are ways to improve water flow in wells that are not producing as they should without drilling a new well.

How Do I Know If My Well Is Running Dry?

Your private water well may be drying up or be affected by drought conditions if you notice that your tap water is looking murky or muddy, the taste of the water has changed, air comes through the system, and spigots start to sputter. This could indicate a drop in the level of water, or it could mean the water pump is placed at the wrong depth in the well.

Most wells use a submersible pump, which is placed within the well underwater. Usually, it is deep enough so that when the water draws down there is still ample water above the pump. When water is drawn down below the pump level, the pump will bring air into the system instead of water. Calling in a professional to measure the water depth and lower the pump can quickly fix this problem.


Another problem can be well age. A well’s lifespan is considered to be roughly 20 to 30 years. Over time, yield may decline because of sediment or mineral scale build-up. For some homeowners, however, a well can last many years beyond this lifespan.

If your well is considerably beyond this lifespan, consult a well specialist like Skillings & Sons to test your water and inspect the well. In some cases, older wells can develop water quality problems.

Do I Have To Drill A New Well?

Drilling a new well can be a burden for some homeowners, especially if the property is near water, the lot is small, or there are other factors that limit the placement of a new well under state and local regulations. There are some other options available to homeowners who don’t want to drill a new well, but instead want to extend the life of their existing well.


If your home’s well is older and has been showing a slow decline in output, you may want to consider hydrofracking. Hydrofracturing is a technique that injects high-pressure water into the depths of your well to open fractures in surrounding rock and increase water flow. This process does not use chemicals, damage the well or contaminate the water supply, although you may see sediment in your water temporarily. Skillings & Sons has a proven hydrofracking system that’s so effective; we offer a guarantee.


Water well deepening is another way to increase the yield of the well. When a well is deepened, new fractures containing water can be discovered. The chances of finding a new fracture containing water usually increase the deeper into the ground we drill, but this is not always the case. A professional well driller can help you determine if you need a new well or if you have a mechanical problem like a failing well pump. They can also determine the likelihood of finding more water by hydrofracturing or well deepening. Contact the water well experts at Skillings & Sons and schedule a well inspection to know what your options are.