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The knowledge center for well drilling, water treatment & testing, FAQs, tips and know-how.

water treatment

Skillings & Sons water well treatment services for clean water in NH and MA bad tasting water, bad smelling water, brown water

  • Nobody wants Brown Drinking Water! Iron and Manganese Contamination

    Iron and manganese are metals that are commonly found in well water in New England. The good news is that their are water treament options. They are naturally occurring in the soil and are washed into drinking water from rain and surface water run-off that seeps through the ground. You do not have to live with contaminated water.

  • If you receive your water from a private well, you’re ultimately responsible for your family’s water quality. While there are many organic and inorganic contaminants that are both naturally occurring and manmade, most can be easily detected through water analysis, some do not impact water quality, and almost all can be dealt with through some form of water treatment.

  • Salty potato chips are a treat, but excess salt in your well water is something that should be looked into. Salt can enter ground water and well systems from some sources, from sea foam to road salt. When salt dissolves in water, it breaks up into positively- and negatively-charged sodium and chloride ions. These ions are so common that they are found in every water supply at some level.

  • Installing a point of entry or POE water treatment system to treat your homes water supply can be a worthwhile investment in your family’s health. A POE whole-house water treatment system is mainly designed to remove contaminants in water used for showering, washing clothes and dishes, and brushing teeth.

Water well treatment and maintenance services, including water filtration systems, filters, water softeners and water purifiers at your home or business keep the water you drink, bathe or cook with clean, safe, and healthy. When treating city or well water in NH and MA, the goal at Skillings & Sons is to eliminate odors, staining, sediment or potentially harmful contaminants.