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The knowledge center for well drilling, water treatment & testing, FAQs, tips and know-how.


Skillings & Sons water well treatment services for clean water in NH and MA bad tasting water, bad smelling water, brown water

  • Beryllium is a metallic element that can dissolve into water. It occurs naturally in New Hampshire’s bedrock and as a result, can be found in water drawn from bedrock wells. Beryllium has no taste, color or odor, so the only way to determine if it is in your drinking water is to test it in a laboratory. Beryllium was added to the Environmental Protection Agency’s list of contaminants in 1994 under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Therefore the information about its presence and effects in New Hampshire are limited.

  • Homes in New Hampshire and Massachusetts often have high levels of radon in their well water supply.

    If you suspect your home is at risk for radon contamination, it is important to conduct the proper tests and understand your radon mitigation and treatment options before installing any new filtration equipment. Skillings & Sons has been helping homeowners test and treat water contaminated with radon for three decades and can help you choose the right option for your home.

  • For many people in New England, their water is perfectly safe to drink. But for some who draw their water from a well, there may be some naturally-occurring contaminants that should be removed. A release issued by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services in 2014 warned that up to 80,000 residents in Hillsborough, Rockingham and Strafford counties might have unhealthy levels of one or more toxic metals in their drinking water. This includes contaminants like arsenic and radon which have known adverse health effects.

  • When the water flows from the faucet, we assume it is safe to drink. Throughout much of New England that is the case, however, there are problems that can arise in any home. Did you know blue-green staining in your tub or sink indicates corrosive water that will eventually damage you pipes. Or that one in five wells in New Hampshire have at least a small amount of arsenic?

Water well treatment and maintenance services, including water filtration systems, filters, water softeners and water purifiers at your home or business keep the water you drink, bathe or cook with clean, safe, and healthy. When treating city or well water in NH and MA, the goal at Skillings & Sons is to eliminate odors, staining, sediment or potentially harmful contaminants.