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The knowledge center for well drilling, water treatment & testing, FAQs, tips and know-how.

For Decades, New Englanders have relied upon Skillings and Sons, Inc. for hydraulic fracturing to drill for new water wells and to extend the life of existing water wells that are under producing. Hydrofracking or "fracking" as it is known, has been in the press a lot lately because of its use in the natural gas industry.

With spring comes garden and yardwork. Planting vegetables, flowers or even a new tree or shrub not only takes time and planning, but it also takes water throughout the warmer months. If you are on a municipal water line, chances are your water bill goes up in the summer. Watering the lawn, car washes, and keeping the flowers from wilting all require water, jacking up your usage. An irrigation well can help reduce your municipal water bill.